A proposed battery energy storage system development south of Hamilton

Cadzow Energy Storage is a proposed battery energy storage system development with a capacity of up to 500 megawatts.

The proposed development will connect to the electricity network at the existing Strathaven 400kV substation.

The proposed development is located on agricultural land approximately 1.5km to the southeast of the existing Strathaven 400kV substation, and south of Hamilton. The closest residential areas to the proposed development are Meikle Earnock (1.5km north) and Eddlewood (1km northeast).

The location and indicative boundary of the proposed development is shown in the figure below.

Contains Ordnance Survey Data, © Crown Copyright and database right [2023] OS 0100031673. Do not scale this document. All measurements must be obtained from the stated dimensions.

The indicative arrangement of the equipment within the proposed development is shown in the figure below.

Contains Ordnance Survey Data, © Crown Copyright and database right [2023] OS 0100031673. Do not scale this document. All measurements must be obtained from the stated dimensions.

The proposed development comprises:

  • Containerised battery energy storage units, which are custom enclosures of a similar size to shipping containers;
  • Transformer units and associated switchrooms;
  • A substation compound and buried electrical cable to facilitate the connection to the electricity network at the existing Strathaven 400kV substation;
  • Landscape and biodiversity planting;
  • A drainage attenuation pond;
  • Water tanks;
  • A new access from Muttonhole Road;
  • Surrounding palisade fencing

The maximum land take required for the proposed development is approximately six hectares.
A screening request for the proposed development under the Electricity Works (EIA) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 was submitted in February 2024. Click here to view the screening request. The screening request and response are also available to view online on South Lanarkshire Council’s Planning Portal (Reference: P/24/0180).

Need for the proposed development

As the deployment of intermittent renewable energy sources continues, there is an increasing need for flexibility from sources such as battery energy storage systems (BESS) to balance supply and demand of electricity and to maintain grid stability.

BESS technology plays a key role in ensuring homes and businesses can be powered solely by renewable energy.

Cadzow Energy Storage is located at an important part of the electricity transmission network in central Scotland, supporting the flow of energy across central and southern Scotland and beyond.

Planning process

The proposed development will require consent from the Scottish Ministers under section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989.

We have undertaken public consultation events to engage with the local community and other interested parties prior to submitting the planning application.